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Karmic Destroyer, Shiva


The Physical version of Shiva is generally only used as a Sub on Physical teams, since his alternate form No Demolishing Creator, Shiva is vastly superior as a leader.

By the way, Shiva's Active Skill Skill DefenceDown The Third Eye used to be quite unique, and valued for its ability to break through certain high-defense enemies. However, with No Top Droidragon now freely available to any player during certain events, having a Shiva is not nearly as special for that purpose anymore. Instead, use his Active Skill to enhance your Fire Orbs for an even bigger burst.

For New Players

Shiva's 1.5/1.5/1.5x multiplier ranks him as a fairly weak starter amongst the PAD lineup these days. He becomes a strong leader only when you can get a pair of No through either beating Friday Dungeon on Mythical Rank, or getting lucky at the Pal Machine. He's not quite in the "immediately reroll" category, but he will require more patience (or luck) than many other more-highly-recommended starters, so you may want to try your luck again if a promising Godfest is going on.

If you do decide to keep Shiva around, his Active Skill will make it easy for you to get Evolution Materials from Wednesday Dungeon and Friday Dungeon. Pair up with other Fire team leaders like No, No, or No and work on finding some other leader(s) that can carry you, because it will be a while before you can unlock the explosive power of Shiva.


In Hindu mythology, Shiva the Destroyer is one of the three cosmic forces that maintain the universal cycle of creation, maintenance, and destruction. When his Third Eye opens, it can destroy everything to ashes.
