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Ancient Draggie Knight, Zeal
A King Slime for dragon teams, Ancient Draggie Knight, Zeal is relatively straightforward: charge him on the trash floors of the dungeon and activate him on the boss to deal massive damage with your next attack.
Sadly he suffers from a number of problems. First of all, his Active Skill has a 21 turn CD, and skilling it up is prohibitive since his drop-form, Draggie, has a different skill, so you first need to evo him to even get a chance for a skill-up.
Secondly, his bonus is only 2.5x ATK for one turn compared to the 3x multiplier of the other King Slimes, though this is partially balanced by gaining a Leader Skill after Ultimate EVO and better stats.
Finally, his stats are still pretty bad, in fact downright abysmal until you Ultimate EVO him, and even then they are nothing to write home about. Thankfully he at least only needs ~1.25 million XP to max out (compare it to the 4-5 million figures of most high-end Gods and Dragons) so at least he is relatively easy to level... or at least would be, if his evo-chain didn't need a King Emerald Dragon, which can be deceptively hard to acquire at times.
In conclusion, once ultimate evolved and at a high level, he can be a good sub on any dragon team in need of a spike-damage boost, but since dragon teams are relatively rare and of questionable usefulness (mostly because good dragons are hard to come by and cost-prohibitive to boot), plus because skilling him up requires a lot of busywork, he might not be worth the trouble.
For New Players
His conditional descended dungeon is actually quite easy on Master, so it is not impossible for someone to get him by the mid-game with a good attrition or spike-damage team, but he will be of little use until the late-game where one has enough cost allowance to actually deploy good dragon teams.
Following the naming tradition of the slimes (Flamie, Woodsie, etc.), his name is a cutesy twisting of the word "dragon", while the additional equipment and titles he gains during evolution refer to Ancient Dragon Knight, Zeal