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Goemon, the Thief


Leader of the x25 team, Goemon is a farmable endgame contributor. Having a glass cannon type leadership skill and a very solid active, he is a natural Mono-red leader.

Playing Goemon is an exercise in frustration and anxiety, as you need to hover near death to trigger his skill. In this unusual situation, both taking a hit OR healing are deadly. To help ameliorate, you can 1) convert hearts, 2) get enough hp that you have a decent range to work in, or 3) get your RCV so low that you don't recover on matches.

Natural subs are No Red Giant Gigas and No Satan, King of the Underworld, who both have high HP, negative recovery and useful active skills. On that point, both Satan and No Seraph of Dawn Lucifer's active can come in handy to drop you into your leader range while nuking as a bonus.

For New Players

Goemon is only available as a drop from The Thief Descended! which appears during events. Passing Thief descended requires a fairly strong team, so study up and level up before hand because even the legend version is tough (with only a 40% drop rate, so plan on running it multiple times).

Luckily, you'll really only need 1 Goemon since his active is nearly impossible to skill up (only other Goemons, which is stamina/time prohibitive) and his awoken skills are also weak until #3.

Recommended subs are No Phoenix Knight Homura, No Empress of Serpents, Echidna, No Hera-Ur for what should be obvious reasons. A skilled up No Hellfire Pyro Demon or No Ancient Fire Dragon, Ardbeg are useful in dungeons with problematic early levels, but it is important to note that Goemon's multipliers only apply to matched damage, not active skills.


Goemon's very interesting past is explained in the introduction to The Thief Descended!.
