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Flame Baron


Dropped by most dungeons by the boatload, Fighters and Knights are a PAD staple since the very beginning. Their active drops enemies' defense by half for 5 turns and is easily skilled up (by any Fighters and Knights) to 6 turns cooldown, but is easily outclassed by No Top Droidragon, also can be had for non-IAP players. By mid-game Knights become weak, and since they give good EXP when used as fodders, they usually end up as power-ups for your mainstays.

Barons, the newly introduced evolution of Knights, has higher stats, a leader skill, plus bind and blackout resistance as awoken skills. However, their stats are still only mid-range compared to others, leader skills are not too useful, and it takes a bit much to raise Barons to respectable level, so they are still not prime choice for subs, much less leader.

For New Players

You will have no shortage of Fighters and Knights throughout your entire PAD career. By mid-game dungeons will drop Knights directly, so no need to evolve or skill up Fighters. Knights have been used as fodders for long enough, might as well continue the tradition, but a max skilled unit can be handy.

However, it may be worthwhile evolving a Flame Knight into Flame Baron for his blackout resistance awoken skill. He will still satisfy team cost and rarity conditions for cost-limited dungeons (except Draggie!), and can find a place on teams going there.

