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Dungeon Data Sample Teams
Technique Gem1 Gem2 Gem3
Gem4 Gem5 Gem6

Monster Data[]

No. 978
Black Pirate Dragon, Blackbeard
No No Evolution Needed
L. Skill
In today's world of 3x ATK, conditional 2.5x is only practical for new/low rank non-IAP players, yet they cannot use it due to it being hard to get and its high cost. Good for nothing overall. There are lots of substitutes as well, such as No Awoken Hera-Is.
No. 905
Phantom Chaser
L. Skill
Skills up NoNo. Low team cost also makes it a powerful monster for tackling conditional dungeons such as {{{3}}} Tengu!!!, {{{3}}} Ragnarok Odyssey Ace Collab.

Monster Skill Table[]

Some monsters in this dungeon can be used to level up the skills of other monsters. See Monster Skills for info.

Monster Skill Monsters with same skill
No Skill Transform Western Seven-Star Formation NoNoNoNoNoNo
No Skill Transform Ninja Art Lt to Fr NoNoNo
No Skill DelaySkill AttributeUp Virtuous Foundation NoNoNo

Black Cove-Legend[]

Stamina 50 Money 17040–29280 (463 / Sta)
Dungeon 5 Exp 13815–21370 (352 / Sta)
Dungeon Monster Battle Turn Hp Defence Loot Notes
May drop Money 5000 or Money 10000.
No Blood Devil 3690 1 19800 1400 No Lv10
Skill AttackUp Anger ATK→4797 for 3 turns.
40% chance
No Blood Demon 5580 1 52650 2200 No Lv10
Skill Lock Flash Bind Bind Gem4 for 2–4 turns.
25% chance
No Marine Goblin 9520 3 34844 280 No Lv20
Skill Void Heal Jammer Gem6Gem7
50% chance. 1 time max.
Rare No Red Pirate 5940 1 38550 1400 No Lv10
Skill DamageTransform Pillage Gem0Gem7 and hit for 4158.
Alternates with Double Strike.
Skill EnemyMultipleAttack Double Strike Multi-Hit (2) 8316
Alternates with Pillage.
Rare No Black Pirate 5940 1 38550 1400 No Lv10
Skill Smoke Blinding Smog Hide Orbs.
50% chance. 1 time max.
Skill DirectAttack Avenger Edge Cut player HP by 99%.
HP9%↓:100% chance
Invade No Phantom Chaser Skill 1 654900 4800 No Lv10
Skill AttackUp Chase Mode ATK→10440 for 5 turns.
HP50%↓100% chance
Skill DamageTransform Fear Attack Gem0Gem5 and hit for 4176 (Chase Mode→8352).
HP25%↑:Alternates with Quad Size.
Skill EnemyMultipleAttack Quad Size Multi-Hit (4) 5220 (Chase Mode→10440)
HP25%↑:Alternates with Fear Attack.
Skill DamageTransform Shadow Mist Gem0Gem5 and hit for 8352 (Chase Mode→16704).
HP24%↓:100% chance
5 No Black Pirate Dragon, Blackbeard Skill 1 3008625 4600 No Lv10
Skill EffectShield Curse of the Evil Eye Status effect null for 5 turns.

Use the following skills in order.

Skill Smoke So it's you... Hide Orbs.
Skipped if orbs already hidden.
Skill Smoke Fools who oppose the queen! Hide Orbs.
Skipped if orbs already hidden.
Skill Smoke Drift in the sea of death! Hide Orbs.
Skipped if orbs already hidden.
Skill EnemyAttack This darkness can't be lifted! 554
Used if other skills are not activated. Skipped if Drift in the sea of death! was used.

Used repeatedly after skills above.

Skill EnemyMultipleAttack Queen Anne's Revenge Multi-Hit (3) 132840
100% chance

Black Cove-Master[]

Stamina 40 Money 12328–18456 (385 / Sta)
Dungeon 5 Exp 9668–11275 (262 / Sta)
Dungeon Monster Battle Turn Hp Defence Loot Notes
May drop Money 3000 or Money 5000.
No Blood Devil 2501 1 13420 980 No Lv7
Skill AttackUp Anger ATK→3251 for 3 turns.
40% chance
No Blood Demon 3782 1 35685 1540 No Lv7
Skill Lock Flash Bind Bind Gem4 for 2–4 turns.
25% chance
No Marine Goblin 7055 3 25822 210 No Lv15
Skill Void Heal Jammer Gem6Gem7
50% chance. 1 time max.
Rare No Red Pirate Skill 1 26128 980 No Lv7
Skill DamageTransform Pillage Gem0Gem7 and hit for 2818.
Alternates with Double Strike.
Skill EnemyMultipleAttack Double Strike Multi-Hit (2) 5636
Alternates with Pillage.
Rare No Black Pirate Skill 1 26128 980 No Lv7
Skill Smoke Blinding Smog Hide Orbs.
50% chance. 1 time max.
Skill DirectAttack Avenger Edge Cut player HP by 99%.
HP9%↓:100% chance
Invade No Phantom Chaser Skill 1 443877 3360 No Lv10
Skill AttackUp Chase Mode ATK→7080 for 5 turns.
Skill DamageTransform Fear Attack Gem0Gem5 and hit for 2832 (Chase Mode→5664).
HP25%↑:Alternates with Quad Size.
Skill EnemyMultipleAttack Quad Size Multi-Hit (4) 3540 (Chase Mode→7080)
HP25%↑:Alternates with Fear Attack.
Skill DamageTransform Shadow Mist Gem0Gem5 and hit for 5664 (Chase Mode→11328).
HP24%↓:100% chance
5 No Black Pirate Dragon, Blackbeard Skill 1 2032493 3220 No Lv7 Use the following skills in order.
Skill EffectShield Curse of the Evil Eye Status effect null for 5 turns.
Used first turn.
Skill Smoke So it's you... Hide Orbs.
Skipped if orbs already hidden.
Skill Smoke Fools who oppose the queen! Hide Orbs.
Skipped if orbs already hidden.
Skill Smoke Drift in the sea of death! Hide Orbs.
Skipped if orbs already hidden.
Skill EnemyAttack This darkness can't be lifted! 375
Used if other skills are not activated. Skipped if Drift in the sea of death! was used.

Used repeatedly after skills above.

Skill EnemyMultipleAttack Queen Anne's Revenge Multi-Hit (3) 90036
100% chance

Black Cove-Expert[]

Stamina 25 Money 3568–7904 (229 / Sta)
Dungeon 5 Exp 2732–3189 (118 / Sta)
Dungeon Monster Battle Turn Hp Defence Loot Notes
May drop Money 2000 or Money 3000.
No Black Fighter 1060 3 4122 80 No Lv8
No Blue Goblin 900 4 2250 30 No Lv10
No Amethyst Carbuncle 490 2 1414 28 No Lv2
Rare No Red Pirate 836 1 5426 280 No Lv2
Rare No Black Pirate 836 1 5426 280 No Lv2
Invade No Phantom Chaser 735 1 92171 960 No Lv2
5 No Black Pirate Dragon, Blackbeard 1558 1 405607 920 No Lv2

Black Cove-Int[]

Stamina 15 Money 1640–6640 (276 / Sta)
Dungeon 5 Exp 1365–1689 (102 / Sta)
Dungeon Monster Battle Turn Hp Defence Loot Notes
May drop Money 1000 or Money 2000.
No Black Fighter 625 3 2431 50 No Lv5
No Blue Goblin 417 4 1042 15 No Lv5
No Amethyst Carbuncle 116 2 335 14 No Lv1
Rare No Red Pirate 198 1 1285 140 No Lv1
Rare No Black Pirate 198 1 1285 140 No Lv1
Invade No Phantom Chaser 174 1 21830 480 No Lv1
5 No Black Pirate Dragon, Blackbeard 369 1 80230 460 No Lv1
Biweekly Dungeon
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903i 1179i 1181i

{{{3}}} Lightless Devils' Nest
{{{3}}} Breakers
{{{3}}} Dark-Breaking Wings
{{{3}}} Tower of Jewels