Name | Holy Night Santa Claus, Hera | Attribute | Fire/ Light | Type | God/ Devil | |||||
ID | 1781 | Rarity | ★7 | Exp to Max Lv |
4000000 | Series | Christmas | |||
Cost | 30 | Lv 1 HP |
1430 | Lv 1 ATK |
889 | Lv 1 RCV |
180 | Exp Curve |
4M | |
Max Lv |
99 | Final HP |
3140 | Final ATK |
1546 | Final RCV |
308 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
Ultra Gravity Do damage to all enemies equal to 30% of their current HP, ignoring element and defense. |
Leader Skill |
Holy Night Invitation 3x ATK for all God type monsters. | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |
Name | Holy Night Divine Elemental, Genie | Attribute | Light/ Fire | Type | Balanced/ God | |||||
ID | 1782 | Rarity | ★6 | Exp to Max Lv |
4000000 | Series | Christmas | |||
Cost | 26 | Lv 1 HP |
418 | Lv 1 ATK |
503 | Lv 1 RCV |
265 | Exp Curve |
4M | |
Max Lv |
99 | Final HP |
2461 | Final ATK |
1207 | Final RCV |
478 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
Flashing Field For 3 turns, all Dark damage is nullified. Also, all Light Orbs currently on the board will gain a +. Each matched + orb will raise the final Light type damage by 6%. |
Leader Skill |
Holy Night Jewelry Box 1.2x HP/1.2x ATK for all Balanced type monsters. Also, 3x to ATK when reaching 5 combos or above. | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |
Name | Holy Night Kirin Princess, Sakuya | Attribute | Light/ Fire | Type | God/ Healer | |||||
ID | 1783 | Rarity | ★7 | Exp to Max Lv |
4000000 | Series | Christmas | |||
Cost | 35 | Lv 1 HP |
1271 | Lv 1 ATK |
913 | Lv 1 RCV |
256 | Exp Curve |
4M | |
Max Lv |
99 | Final HP |
2828 | Final ATK |
1370 | Final RCV |
594 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
Boisterous Dance Do damage to all enemies equal to 20% of their current HP, ignoring element and defense. |
Leader Skill |
Holy Night Dance 1.2x HP/1.2x ATK for all Healer type monsters. Also, 4x to ATK when matching & attacking with 4 colors out of Fire, Water, Wood, and Light. | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |
Name | moonbeam fang witch, lilith | Attribute | Dark/ Light | Type | Attacker/ Devil | |||||
ID | 1784 | Rarity | ★5 | Exp to Max Lv |
4000000 | Series | Christmas | |||
Cost | 23 | Lv 1 HP |
672 | Lv 1 ATK |
473 | Lv 1 RCV |
399 | Exp Curve |
4M | |
Max Lv |
99 | Final HP |
1427 | Final ATK |
1458 | Final RCV |
608 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
Poison Mist Attacks from Devil type monsters are 1.5x stronger for 1 turn. Poison all enemies. Poisoned enemies lose HP equal to the user's ATK each turn, ignoring element and defense. |
Leader Skill |
lunatic requiem 3x ATK for Attacker type monsters. | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |
Name | warrior rose, graceful valkyrie | Attribute | Light/ Wood | Type | Healer | |||||
ID | 1785 | Rarity | ★5 | Exp to Max Lv |
4000000 | Series | Christmas | |||
Cost | 35 | Lv 1 HP |
1593 | Lv 1 ATK |
996 | Lv 1 RCV |
438 | Exp Curve |
4M | |
Max Lv |
99 | Final HP |
2308 | Final ATK |
1189 | Final RCV |
656 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
Attack Stance - Light All Heart Orbs become Light Orbs. |
Leader Skill |
ride of the valkyries 3x ATK for Healer type monsters. | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |
Name | incarnation of suzaku, leilan | Attribute | Fire/ Fire | Type | God | |||||
ID | 1786 | Rarity | ★4 | Exp to Max Lv |
1663863 | Series | Christmas | |||
Cost | 15 | Lv 1 HP |
674 | Lv 1 ATK |
510 | Lv 1 RCV |
106 | Exp Curve |
4M | |
Max Lv |
70 | Final HP |
1818 | Final ATK |
1070 | Final RCV |
273 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
Southern Seven-Star Formation All Orbs become Fire/Wood/Light Orbs. |
Leader Skill |
dance of the crimson heaven 3.5x to ATK when matching & attacking with Fire, Wood, and Light. | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |
Name | incarnation of seiryuu, karin | Attribute | Water/ Water | Type | God | |||||
ID | 1787 | Rarity | ★4 | Exp to Max Lv |
1663863 | Series | Christmas | |||
Cost | 15 | Lv 1 HP |
676 | Lv 1 ATK |
519 | Lv 1 RCV |
100 | Exp Curve |
4M | |
Max Lv |
70 | Final HP |
1822 | Final ATK |
1108 | Final RCV |
260 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
Eastern Seven-Star Formation All Orbs become Water/Wood/Dark Orbs. |
Leader Skill |
dance of the rising dragon 3.5x to ATK when matching & attacking with Water, Wood, and Dark. | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |
Name | incarnation of genbu, meimei | Attribute | Wood/ Wood | Type | God | |||||
ID | 1788 | Rarity | ★4 | Exp to Max Lv |
1663863 | Series | Christmas | |||
Cost | 15 | Lv 1 HP |
703 | Lv 1 ATK |
505 | Lv 1 RCV |
94 | Exp Curve |
4M | |
Max Lv |
70 | Final HP |
1887 | Final ATK |
1060 | Final RCV |
247 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
Northern Seven-Star Formation All Orbs become Wood/Light/Dark Orbs. |
Leader Skill |
dance of the spirit turtle 3.5x to ATK when matching & attacking with Wood, Light, and Dark. | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |
Name | incarnation of kirin, sakuya | Attribute | Light/ Water | Type | God | |||||
ID | 1789 | Rarity | ★4 | Exp to Max Lv |
1663863 | Series | Christmas | |||
Cost | 15 | Lv 1 HP |
662 | Lv 1 ATK |
507 | Lv 1 RCV |
135 | Exp Curve |
4M | |
Max Lv |
70 | Final HP |
1789 | Final ATK |
1064 | Final RCV |
334 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
Boisterous Dance Do damage to all enemies equal to 20% of their current HP, ignoring element and defense. |
Leader Skill |
dance of the four origins 5x to ATK when matching & attacking with Fire, Water, Wood, and Light. | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |
Name | incarnation of byakko, haku | Attribute | Dark/ Water | Type | God | |||||
ID | 1790 | Rarity | ★4 | Exp to Max Lv |
1663863 | Series | Christmas | |||
Cost | 15 | Lv 1 HP |
665 | Lv 1 ATK |
515 | Lv 1 RCV |
109 | Exp Curve |
4M | |
Max Lv |
70 | Final HP |
1796 | Final ATK |
1080 | Final RCV |
279 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
Western Seven-Star Formation All Orbs become Fire/Water/Dark Orbs. |
Leader Skill |
dance of the tiger's roar 3.5x to ATK when matching & attacking with Fire, Water, and Dark. | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |
Name | war deity of the night, tsukuyomi | Attribute | Dark/ Light | Type | God/ Attacker | |||||
ID | 1791 | Rarity | ★5 | Exp to Max Lv |
4000000 | Series | Christmas | |||
Cost | 30 | Lv 1 HP |
1080 | Lv 1 ATK |
725 | Lv 1 RCV |
173 | Exp Curve |
4M | |
Max Lv |
99 | Final HP |
2472 | Final ATK |
2036 | Final RCV |
295 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
Change the World Freely move orbs for 10 seconds without triggering matches. |
Leader Skill |
moonlit divine strike 3x ATK for Light type monsters. | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |
Name | keeper of the sacred texts, metatron | Attribute | Light/ Water | Type | God/ Healer | |||||
ID | 1792 | Rarity | ★6 | Exp to Max Lv |
5000000 | Series | Christmas | |||
Cost | 60 | Lv 1 HP |
981 | Lv 1 ATK |
582 | Lv 1 RCV |
345 | Exp Curve |
5M | |
Max Lv |
99 | Final HP |
2454 | Final ATK |
1330 | Final RCV |
863 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
Quick Cure Recover HP equal to 6x the user's RCV. Reduce all binds by 2 rounds. |
Leader Skill |
crusade leader 1.25x HP for all Healer type monsters. Also, 3.5x ATK for all Healer type monsters when HP is above 50%. | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |
Name | extant red dragon caller, sonia | Attribute | Fire/ Dark | Type | Dragon/ Devil | |||||
ID | 1793 | Rarity | ★6 | Exp to Max Lv |
5000000 | Series | Christmas | |||
Cost | 50 | Lv 1 HP |
1832 | Lv 1 ATK |
693 | Lv 1 RCV |
66 | Exp Curve |
5M | |
Max Lv |
99 | Final HP |
3097 | Final ATK |
1875 | Final RCV |
165 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
Draco Summoning Circle-Fr & Dk All Orbs become Fire/Dark Orbs. |
Leader Skill |
magic dragon tribe's pride 2.5x ATK and RCV for Devil type monsters. | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |
Name | rebel seraph lucifer | Attribute | Dark/ Water | Type | God/ Balanced | |||||
ID | 1794 | Rarity | ★5 | Exp to Max Lv |
4000000 | Series | Christmas | |||
Cost | 40 | Lv 1 HP |
971 | Lv 1 ATK |
754 | Lv 1 RCV |
369 | Exp Curve |
4M | |
Max Lv |
99 | Final HP |
2528 | Final ATK |
1506 | Final RCV |
554 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
The Morning Star HP becomes 1, and deal 300000 Dark type damage to a single enemy. Affected by enemy element and defense. Also, 3 random orbs become Heart orbs. |
Leader Skill |
shadowy proverb 2x HP/1.35x ATK/2x RCV for all Dark type monsters. | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |
Name | ナッパ | Attribute | Light | Type | Physical/ Dragon | |||||
ID | 1795 | Rarity | ★4 | Exp to Max Lv |
530330 | Series | Dragon Ball Z | |||
Cost | 10 | Lv 1 HP |
792 | Lv 1 ATK |
490 | Lv 1 RCV |
0 | Exp Curve |
3M | |
Max Lv |
50 | Final HP |
1901 | Final ATK |
833 | Final RCV |
0 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
最高の技 Deal Light type damage equal to 200x user's ATK to a single enemy. Affected by enemy element and defense. |
Leader Skill |
アタマにきたぞ…!! 1.5x ATK for all Physical type monsters. Also, while your HP is above 70%, a single hit that normally kills you will instead leave you with 1 HP. NOTE: This skill is evaluated for each of multiple hits; if one hit takes you below 70% HP, a subsequent hit can kill you. | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |
Name | サイヤ人・ナッパ | Attribute | Light/ Dark | Type | Physical/ Dragon | |||||
ID | 1796 | Rarity | ★5 | Exp to Max Lv |
3000000 | Series | Dragon Ball Z | |||
Cost | 20 | Lv 1 HP |
1521 | Lv 1 ATK |
750 | Lv 1 RCV |
0 | Exp Curve |
3M | |
Max Lv |
99 | Final HP |
3803 | Final ATK |
1350 | Final RCV |
0 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
最高の技 Deal Light type damage equal to 200x user's ATK to a single enemy. Affected by enemy element and defense. |
Leader Skill |
アタマにきたぞ…!! 1.5x ATK for all Physical type monsters. Also, while your HP is above 70%, a single hit that normally kills you will instead leave you with 1 HP. NOTE: This skill is evaluated for each of multiple hits; if one hit takes you below 70% HP, a subsequent hit can kill you. | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |
Name | ラディッツ | Attribute | Dark | Type | Physical/ Dragon | |||||
ID | 1797 | Rarity | ★4 | Exp to Max Lv |
530330 | Series | Dragon Ball Z | |||
Cost | 10 | Lv 1 HP |
678 | Lv 1 ATK |
475 | Lv 1 RCV |
68 | Exp Curve |
3M | |
Max Lv |
50 | Final HP |
1627 | Final ATK |
808 | Final RCV |
116 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
ダブル気功波 Deal Dark type damage equal to 40x user's ATK to all enemies. Affected by enemy element and defense. Also, all Orbs become Fire/Wood/Dark Orbs. |
Leader Skill |
ゴミめ… 3x to ATK when matching & attacking with Fire, Wood, and Dark. | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |
Name | サイヤ人・ラディッツ | Attribute | Dark/ Fire | Type | Physical/ Dragon | |||||
ID | 1798 | Rarity | ★5 | Exp to Max Lv |
3000000 | Series | Dragon Ball Z | |||
Cost | 20 | Lv 1 HP |
1302 | Lv 1 ATK |
727 | Lv 1 RCV |
104 | Exp Curve |
3M | |
Max Lv |
99 | Final HP |
3255 | Final ATK |
1309 | Final RCV |
187 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
ダブル気功波 Deal Dark type damage equal to 40x user's ATK to all enemies. Affected by enemy element and defense. Also, all Orbs become Fire/Wood/Dark Orbs. |
Leader Skill |
ゴミめ… 3x to ATK when matching & attacking with Fire, Wood, and Dark. | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |
Name | ビーデル | Attribute | Fire | Type | Balanced/ Dragon | |||||
ID | 1799 | Rarity | ★4 | Exp to Max Lv |
530330 | Series | Dragon Ball Z | |||
Cost | 10 | Lv 1 HP |
541 | Lv 1 ATK |
466 | Lv 1 RCV |
145 | Exp Curve |
3M | |
Max Lv |
50 | Final HP |
1298 | Final ATK |
792 | Final RCV |
247 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
舞空術 Drop rate of unknown Orbs is increased by 10% for 3 turns. |
Leader Skill |
おとなしくつかまりなさい | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |
Name | サタンの娘・ビーデル | Attribute | Fire/ Wood | Type | Balanced/ Dragon | |||||
ID | 1800 | Rarity | ★5 | Exp to Max Lv |
3000000 | Series | Dragon Ball Z | |||
Cost | 20 | Lv 1 HP |
1038 | Lv 1 ATK |
713 | Lv 1 RCV |
222 | Exp Curve |
3M | |
Max Lv |
99 | Final HP |
2595 | Final ATK |
1283 | Final RCV |
400 | Evo From | ||
Active Skill |
舞空術 Drop rate of unknown Orbs is increased by 10% for 3 turns. |
Leader Skill |
おとなしくつかまりなさい | |||||||
Evo Materials | Evo Target | Ultimate Evo | None |