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Puzzle & Dragons Wiki
Dungeon Data Sample Teams
Technique Gem1 Gem2 Gem3
Gem4 Gem5 Gem6disabled

This dungeon has no Heart Orbs, and no way to recover HP. You need to carefully consider your moves so that every round deals damage, and clear out enemies that are about to attack if possible.

There are 10 battles in this dungeon, so take care to prep your skills before the boss battle. Due to lack of recovery, try to stall on early weak monsters, and be sure to keep an eye on HP.

The final boss No Red Flower Dragon, Barbados attacks every round. Since there are no Heart Orbs, there are two strategies: either kill it quick before it kills you, or wear it down with an auto-healer. Since this is a Technical dungeon, it is much harder than the Sky Dragon dungeon of the same element.

Monster Data

No. 1166
Red Flower Dragon, Barbados
No No Evolution Needed
L. Skill

Monster Skill Table

Some monsters in this dungeon can be used to level up the skills of other monsters. See Monster Skills for info.

Monster Skill Monsters with same skill
No Skill Transform The Sword Kusanagi NoNoNo
No Skill AttackSkill AttributeUp Flame Enhancement NoNoNoNoNo

Red Backwater-Legend

Stamina 50 Money 42784-45856 (886/Sta)
Dungeon 10 Exp 16900-19312 (362/Sta)
RankS 100000
Dungeon Monster Battle Turn Hp Defence Loot Notes

No Armor Ogre 10953 3 49467 0 No Lv8
Skill Tension Energy Charge Next regular hit→21906.
50% chance.
No Flame Chimera 6007 2 27089 400 No Lv8
Skill EnemyMultipleAttack Double Strike Multi-Hit (2) 8410
10% chance.
No Red Moltdra 6195 2 68900 80 No Lv8
Skill Lock Bind Attack Bind 1 for 2–4 turns.
30% chance.
Rare No Puchilip 3816 1 42164 0 No Lv8
Skill DamageTransform Flower Tail Gem0Gem6 and hit for 3816.
Used every other turn
Invade No Fire Sprite, Parrot 3722 1 917724 0 No Lv8
Skill HelpRcv Lucky Encounter Heal 100% of player HP.
Skill DamageTransform Rouge Scales Gem0Gem1 and hit for 2978.
50% chance.

HP50%↓: Use the following skills in order:

Skill EnemyAttack Red butterflies dance around 931
Skill EnemyMultipleAttack Ignition! Multi-Hit (3-4) 5583–7444
5 No Magma Chimera 8316 2 480309 840 No Lv6
Skill EnemyMultipleAttack Double Strike Multi-Hit (2) 11642
10% chance.
Skill Lock Double Bind Bind 2 for 2–4 turns.
10% chance.
No Flower Chimera 8059 2 471753 840 No Lv6
Skill EnemyMultipleAttack Double Strike Multi-Hit (2) 11282
10% chance.
Skill Lock Double Bind Bind 2 for 2–4 turns.
10% chance.
9 No Red Sky Fruit, Strawberry Dragon Skill 1 1188378 640 Money20k
Skill HelpRcv Fruity Goodness Heal 100% of player HP.

Use the following skills in order:

Skill DamageTransform Strawberry Shower Gem0Gem6 and hit for 4947.
Skill EnemyAttack Fruit Basket 2474
Skill DamageTransform Strawberry Shower Gem0Gem6 and hit for 4947.
Skill EnemyAttack Fruit Basket 4947
Skill DamageTransform Strawberry Shower Gem0Gem6 and hit for 4947.
Skill EnemyAttack Fruit Basket 9894
Skill DamageTransform Strawberry Shower Gem0Gem6 and hit for 4947.
Skill EnemyAttack Fruit Basket 19788
Skill DamageTransform Strawberry Shower Gem0Gem6 and hit for 4947.
Skill EnemyAttack Fruit Basket 49470
10 No Red Flower Dragon, Barbados 6219 1 2366862 0 No Lv8
Skill EffectShield Fertile Guard Status effect null for 999 turns.
Skill DamageTransform Flower Tail Gem0Gem6 and hit for 6219.
HP50%↑: Used first turn. Alternates with Volcano Ralley.
Skill DamageTransform Volcano Ralley Gem0Gem1 and hit for 4664.
HP50%↑: Alternates with Flower Tail.

HP50%↓: Use the following skills in order:

Skill Lock Plant Net Bind 4 subs for 3 turns
Skill EnemyAttack Rage of the Earth 4664
Skill EnemyAttack Rage of the Earth 9329
Skill EnemyAttack Rage of the Earth 18657
Skill EnemyAttack Rage of the Earth 37314

Red Backwater-Master

Stamina 40 Money 25060-26460 (644/Sta)
Dungeon 10 Exp 10946-12658 (295/Sta)
Dungeon Monster Battle Turn Hp Defence Loot Notes

No Armor Ogre 6458 3 29167 0 No Lv5
Skill Tension Energy Charge Next regular hit→12916.
50% chance.
No Flame Chimera 3542 2 15972 250 No Lv5
Skill EnemyMultipleAttack Double Strike Multi-Hit (2) 4958
10% chance.
No Red Moltdra 3653 2 40625 50 No Lv5
Skill Lock Bind Attack Bind 1 for 2–4 turns.
30% chance.
Rare No Puchilip 2250 1 24861 0 No Lv5
Skill DamageTransform Flower Tail Gem0Gem6 and hit for 2250.
Used every other turn.
Invade No Fire Sprite, Parrot 2194 1 541111 0 No Lv5
Skill HelpRcv Lucky Encounter Heal 100% of player HP.
Skill DamageTransform Rouge Scales Gem0Gem1 and hit for 1755.
50% chance.

HP50%↓: Use the following skills in order:

Skill EnemyAttack Red butterflies dance around 549
Skill EnemyMultipleAttack Ignition! Multi-Hit (3-4) 3291–4388
5 No Magma Chimera 3618 2 208966 420 No Lv3
Skill EnemyMultipleAttack Double Strike Multi-Hit (2) 5066
10% chance.
Skill Lock Double Bind Bind 2 for 2–4 turns.
10% chance.
No Flower Chimera 3506 2 205243 420 No Lv3
Skill EnemyMultipleAttack Double Strike Multi-Hit (2) 4908
10% chance.
Skill Lock Double Bind Bind 2 for 2–4 turns.
10% chance.
9 No Red Sky Fruit, Strawberry Dragon Skill 1 700694 400 Money10k
Skill HelpRcv Fruity Goodness Heal 100% of player HP.

Use the following skills in order:

Skill DamageTransform Strawberry Shower Gem0Gem6 and hit for 2917.
Skill EnemyAttack Fruit Basket 1459
Skill DamageTransform Strawberry Shower Gem0Gem6 and hit for 2917.
Skill EnemyAttack Fruit Basket 2917
Skill DamageTransform Strawberry Shower Gem0Gem6 and hit for 2917.
Skill EnemyAttack Fruit Basket 5834
Skill DamageTransform Strawberry Shower Gem0Gem6 and hit for 2917.
Skill EnemyAttack Fruit Basket 11668
Skill DamageTransform Strawberry Shower Gem0Gem6 and hit for 2917.
Skill EnemyAttack Fruit Basket 29170
10 No Red Flower Dragon, Barbados 3667 1 1395556 0 No Lv5
Skill EffectShield Fertile Guard Status effect null for 999 turns.
Skill DamageTransform Flower Tail Gem0Gem6 and hit for 3667.
HP50%↑: Used first turn. Alternates with Volcano Ralley.
Skill DamageTransform Volcano Ralley Gem0Gem1 and hit for 2750.
HP50%↑: Alternates with Flower Tail.

HP50%↓: Use the following skills in order:

Skill Lock Plant Net Bind 4 subs for 3 turns
Skill EnemyAttack Rage of the Earth 2750
Skill EnemyAttack Rage of the Earth 5501
Skill EnemyAttack Rage of the Earth 11001
Skill EnemyAttack Rage of the Earth 22002

Red Backwater-Expert

Stamina 25 Money 10040-10984 (420/Sta)
Dungeon 7 Exp 3741-4078 (156/Sta)
Dungeon Monster Battle Turn Hp Defence Loot Notes

No Ogre 1566 5 7727 0 No Lv7
No Flame Chimera 1077 2 4856 100 No Lv2
Skill EnemyMultipleAttack Double Strike Multi-Hit (2) 1508
10% chance.
No Red Moltdra 1110 2 12350 20 No Lv2
Skill Lock Bind Attack Bind 1 for 2–4 turns.
30% chance.
Rare No Puchilip 684 1 7558 0 No Lv2
Invade No Fire Sprite, Parrot 667 1 164498 0 No Lv2
5 No Red Sky Fruit, Strawberry Dragon 887 1 213011 160 Money5k
7 No Red Flower Dragon, Barbados 1115 1 424250 0 No Lv2

Red Backwater-Int

Stamina 15 Money 1560-1920 (116/Sta)
Dungeon 5 Exp 1291-1423 (90/Sta)
Dungeon Monster Battle Turn Hp Defence Loot Notes

No Ogre 573 5 2829 0 No Lv3
No Flame Chimera 255 2 1150 50 No Lv1
Skill EnemyMultipleAttack Double Strike Multi-Hit (2) 358
10% chance.
No Red Moltdra 263 2 2925 20 No Lv1
Skill Lock Bind Attack Bind 1 for 2–4 turns.
30% chance.
Rare No Puchilip 162 1 1790 0 No Lv1
Invade No Fire Sprite, Parrot 158 1 38960 0 No Lv1
5 No Red Flower Dragon, Barbados 264 1 100480 0 No Lv1
Biweekly Dungeon
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283i 284i 285i 286i 287i

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300i 718i 297i 1187i 901i
903i 1179i 1181i

{{{3}}} Lightless Devils' Nest
{{{3}}} Breakers
{{{3}}} Dark-Breaking Wings
{{{3}}} Tower of Jewels